SOLIDARITY PERU - SP, is an NGO- Not for Profit Civil Association.

Since the year 2003, the President of SOLIDARITY PERU, Dr. John Rottkamp, and Vice President Aldo Carbone, have executed projects for the underpriveledged, related to Education, Nutrition, Donation of Clothing and the Rights of Children and Adolescents in the area of Valdiviezo, in the district of San Martin de Porres. This work was done through the Popular Dining Room or Milk Club, “United Mothers of Valdiviezo”. For the year 2008, SP is executing projects in Education, Nutrition and Health and Defense of the Rights of Children and Adolescents in 7 disadvantaged districts of the northern part of the city of Lima – Peru, that covers an approximate child population of 800,000 to 2,000,000.

SOLIDARITY PERU, searches for, and promotes this support through alliances with different professional people, including private businesses, Agencies of Cooperation, other NGO’ s, and different International Foundations to eradicate extreme poverty, especially that effecting Children and Adolescents.

We invite others to help us in our projects and future initiatives. Click here to contact us.

Meet the Staff of Solidarity Perú

Our staff includes medical professionals and specialists in delivering social services within Perú. The organization was founded by John Rottkamp in 2006 an consist of trained professionals in the U.S. and Peru.

John Rottkamp, M.D.:

Omaira Carbone:

Misael Veloz: